Lifestyle Coaches
Find a Christian Coach who can offer strategies and clarity to a specific area of your life so that you can live in abundance and freedom. Schedule your complimentary discover call and connect with a Chase Great Niche’ Specific Coach and maximize your success.

Forgiveness Coach
Coach Sandra Cobb

Helping people who have experienced the murder of a loved one and other traumatic events to re-engage in their life through inner healing and forgiveness.
Through my Free to forgive Coaching programs, I help people:
● Apply practical, biblical keys to heal internal wounds
● Dismantle common misconceptions about forgiveness
● Experience the ultimate benefits of forgiveness
● Apply eight signature keys to orchestrate a pathway to forgiveness

Latresa Rice
Mindset Coach

Helping bereaved Christians regain hope by rediscovering their identity and healing through writing.
I specialize in:
helping others regain hope for the future following the loss of a loved one.
helping others rediscover who they are in Christ
helping others write and publish their stories.

Self Coach
Coach Tiffany Shoemaker
Helping solo moms overcome limitations, insecurities, and expectations by increasing self-awareness for empowerment beyond motherhood.
I specialize in helping women to become aware of their recurring responses to past traumatic experiences in their present circumstances, and equipping them to take away the power, impact, and influence of those circumstances by centering God within the S.E.L.F. (Sentiments (thoughts), Emotions (feelings), Language (voice), and Function (actions).