LaToya Turrentine-Brown, Relationship Coach
Jun 4, 20234 min read
4 steps to Addressing the Elephant in the Room
An example of a healthy boundary could be deciding not to attend a family function until you are comfortable addressing a certain incident o

Relationship Strategist CheVaughn Johnson
Mar 25, 20234 min read
Maybe It’s Time to Unsubscribe
A while ago, the email icon on the phone application would display the number of unread emails that were inside of your inbox. One day,...

Carol Williams
Jul 18, 20224 min read
Betrayal is Hard: 4 Ways to Gain Inner Peace
Forgiveness Coach Carol Williams So, if you have ever been betrayed by someone you loved and trusted, you know that it is hard. You may...

Felecia Donald-Coleman
Apr 18, 20224 min read
Life Beyond Trauma: 4 Steps to move beyond your trauma.
Trauma Recovery Coach, Felecia Coleman Trauma has no boundaries. It can happen to anyone of any age. It can impact any sex, race, creed,...

CheVaughn Mack, Relationship Strategist
May 25, 20214 min read
3 Ways to Handle Conflict in Romantic Relationships by Relationship Strategist CheVaughn Mack
To some people, the word conflict has a negative connotation associated with it. Don’t get me wrong, when conflict is used in an...

LaToya Early
Nov 17, 20204 min read
5 Signs You Have “Daddy Issues”
Daddy Issues? Don’t we all have them at some point? I used to be “Daddy’s Girl” you know… the “Princess” of the house, spoiled rotten by my

LaToya Early
Nov 17, 20204 min read
7 Reasons to start accepting your current circumstances today!
It’s May of 2017 at approximately 4:18a.m, I was awakened out of my sleep by a panic attack. As I began to try and calm myself down, I...

LaToya Early
Nov 17, 20203 min read
Reconcile For What?
Matthew 5 23 “So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something...

LaToya Early
Nov 17, 20203 min read
Forgiveness Is For You, Not Them
Each and every one of us at least once in our life, has been hurt, felt betrayed, abused or mistreated. Some of you have experienced all...

LaToya Early
Nov 17, 20202 min read
Truth Be Told
Hello Good People, As we go through life, we live and learn. Oftentimes, we also lie, why is that? I had to think about that as I...