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4 Things to Consider when Building and Developing Training Content.

Solution Strategist, Jasmin Pittman

4 Things to Consider when Building and Developing Training Content.

Training is the Foundation of any organization. Yes there are some critical pieces prior to training such as bringing in the right candidate, having the proper onboarding process, and maintaining a consistent message through out each step. But let’s face it, the Training Environment is Critical and vital to any organization.

Yet, it is also where most organizations put the least amount of attention or financial backing. It is in training where the core competencies of the job is learned. It is in training where the product is learned, customer service skills are nurtured for success, and it is in training where habits are developed.

Very often the training material has been designed by someone who knows way too much about the topic and then overloads the content with nice to knows and complex scenarios. Our materials have been convoluted with history, filled with assumptions of what the learner or designer already knows, and is disconnected from the operational process.

I was recently working on a project that required content development because the client could only produce SOP's and a script. After providing a projected timeframe to build curriculum for this client I received an email from the PM that said "Is this a typo?"

Yet again, I found myself having to explain what it takes to develop and design cohesive curriculum for agents success, to which, the responses came flying in from the executive leadership "We didn't know all that was involved." Most Leaders have the slightest idea what it takes to train and develop content. I think in their heads it's just magic……

So here are 4 things that has to be considered when building out training content.

  1. Content Structure - This is so critical to the learning process. Most content is disconnected. Content should be trained in the order of how your agent/advocate is expected to handle the customer. Give the learners what they need in the flow of work. Too much information in between steps can cause disconnects in the process. Agents should be assessed on completed processes as that is what we are expecting them to do.

  2. Audience- Everyone needs something different. Just as we know to teach to individual learning styles we have to train to the individual Roles and Expectations. Agents/Advocates don't need to know the functionality of systems like IT and they don't need to know the process escalations, and behind the scenes interworking's as a Leader would. This is why we have ticket systems and escalation processes. Give each person what they need. Consider the roles of your Agents, Leaders, and Customers when building content.

  • Agents - Give them what they need to handle the customer’s inquiry. The customers only concern is how can you help me, what is my next steps, or what options do I have? And those are the things you should be teaching and educating your Agents on.

  • Leaders - Your leaders will handle the escalations and complex inquiries unless these are designated to another team/department. So ensure that they are equipped to do so. THEY need the Nice to Knows, the history, and the functionality and interworking's of other departments.

  • Customers - JUST CONSIDER THEM. We always talk about the Customer Experience to our staff and we have to think about that here as well. Consider the Journey of the Customer and think about them and what they need and have experienced.

  1. Level of Mastery - Consider what level of mastery you want to get your agents/advocates to. Not everyone will walk out of training an expert as that comes with time and experience. Mastery can range from Beginner to Master so, determine what you want and build content for that individual to become of the following;

  2. Beginner

  3. Intermediate

  4. Novice

  5. Competent

  6. Deep Experience

  7. Expert

  8. Master

  9. Delivery Method; How will this content be delivered? Each method comes with Pro's and Con's and will affect the design. Will it be;

  10. Instructor Led Training

  11. Virtual Classroom

  12. E-Learning

  13. Mobile Learning

  14. Blended Learning

** Bonus also consider the Tools and Resource available to you. Technology has created some amazing resources for us to use. The Use of Videos, Avatars, Simulations etc. all make for an exceptional Learning experience if used appropriately.

Building content is not for the faint at heart but if done correctly it will provide an amazing return in your organization and better prepare your staff to support your customers in the first interaction.

Jasmin Pittman

Solution Strategist

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