6 Things To Stop Doing If Your Coaching Business Makes Less Than 7k/Month

Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash
I can remember starting my coaching business over 8 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to make $7,000 a month in consistent revenue. I always thought my biggest concern was needing a marketing consultant to come in and help me expand my business, but overtime I learned a marketing consultant wasn't what I needed, it was clarity in my message and confidence in my delivery. I had things all twisted. Over time things started to become more clear on why I was unable to grow my coaching business to where I envisioned. It took for me to do a deep dive into the Word of God and into my self for me to realize that it wasn't God not answering my prayers, it was me self-sabotaging my dream of owning a multi-figure coaching agency.
Below I compiled a list of reasons I stayed stuck for many years before I decided to finally do something different. I had so many self-sabotaging thoughts and I didn't know it was me who was standing in the way of my growth, not the services I provided.

6 things to stop doing if your coaching business makes less than 7k/month:
1. Stop trying to solve every problem for everyone - I know, when you first start your coaching business you're excited to share your genius. You want the world to learn and experience your profound discovery in coaching and how you can help change the world. Now while this sounds like a win, win it's actually a win, lose. You're winning because you've discovered what you love, but you're losing because you're not reaching the people it's designed for. Everyone isn't wired to connect with your gift. One thing I've learned is you never want to give a gift to someone that you value but they don't. Know that your gift in coaching valuable and should only be offered to those who will value it.
2. Stop trying to google everything, some solutions require person to person strategy- I've graduated with honors from Google University LOL. We're so eager to learn and grow we naturally go to the most accessible resource for more information. Many of us have spent hours on google, youtube and free digital classes looking for strategies that will help take our business to the next level and while microwave dinners can hold you over your nutrients come from fresh food and produce. This reason alone can stunt your growth tremendously. This industry requires hours of self-development, self-educating and trial and error, but your own sight can only see so far.
"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed" Proverbs 15:22
3. Stop trying to build fancy sells funnels, without a solid message - Marketing gurus do a fantastic job with dangling new and shiney systems in our faces that guarantee increased monthly revenue and clients in our pipeline. I know they've tried to get me as well, but it doesn't matter how many sales funnels you create and freebies you offer if your message isn't simple, specific and clear you're spending a lot of time and a lot of money doing a lot of nothing. I'm sure you've heard this once or twice, but get back to the basics. Your message is your #1 marketing strategy. Know who you serve and what you serve and no matter the funnels, with a tight system your people will buy.
4. Stop comparing your coaching business, your ideal client is waiting on you - This is the most natural yet destructive characteristic to have when building your business in the coaching industry. We can't help but search the web when we're starting something new or we're looking for new ideas. We find ourselves on social media browsing looking for fresh ideas and then in a very subtle but aggressive way we find ourselves comparing our skills, images and presentations to other Coaches. Criticizing our genius because it doesn't look like theirs or our visibility isn't as heightened as others. This can definitely be frustrating but your strength isn't in your hands but in your ability to fight distractions and stay focused in your lane.
"Don't compare yourself with others. Just look at your own work to see if you have done anything to be proud of. You must each accept the responsibility that are yours. " Galatians 6:4-5
5. Stop letting fear hold you prisoner. Trust God and show up! Starting a new business can already be a little fearful, but starting a coaching business holds a little more weight. I've had several businesses, I've sold both products and services and nothing is like exchanging transformation for profit. But when you know that your transformation strategies can change the lives of people you have to push pass the distractions of fear and show up. Fear is simply a distraction to keep you stuck, if God called you to it, He has what you need to get through it. Even if you're not 100% confident that you have transformation strategies, you'll never know your value until you trust what God has given you.
6. Stop pouring your message into the wrong audience- This is a big one. It ties into #1. Don't exhaust your gifts, time, and message pour into people who are purposely catching the pour. Is your audience standing under your pour with an umbrella or a bucket? I've learned the hard way that pouring onto an umbrella only creates puddles, but pouring into buckets create fulfillment. Know who your message is for. Sit down and identify your ideal client, know whose problem you are called to solve. When you've clearly identified your message and ideal client it expands your coaching business. To learn more about your messaging and how to make sure you're pouring into the right audience click here and access my free training - How to take your coaching business from Start to Success in 20 Days!
Here's what I want you to focus on, if you're goal as a Startup Coach (which is a Coach who can't fluently share their message and monetized their programs) is to make 7k or more in your coaching business per month then it's time you get focused and decide what's your next step in reaching your next level. Click here if you're ready to decide, commit and apply action.
Your Vision Coach LaToya Early
P.S. Are you a part of my FB Group The Coaches Coach, where I teach weekly trainings and offer daily strategies to Christian Female Startup Coaches to help Start, Grow and Monetize their coaching business. Click here, answer the 3 questions for approval and meet inside.