3 Ways fear stopped my freedom...

Ever had a moment where fear suddenly stopped you in your tracks? If we're honest, then we will admit that many of us have been imprisoned by fear at some point in our lives. Fear is not a respecter of person, doesn’t matter who you are, how smart you are, how much money you make, you have had moments of fear. No one is immune to fear. Whether it is fear of rejection that stops you from meeting new people, asking your boss for a raise or simply asking someone for help. Maybe its fear of failure that stops you from trying something new, or fear of being alone that causes you to stay in a bad relationship. Everyone is or have been afraid of something, the list goes on and on. Fear paralyzes us, facing our fears is the first step towards freedom!
What Are You Afraid Of?

Think back to something you genuinely wanted to do but you didn’t because of fear? What were you afraid of, was it fear that you wasn’t good enough, fear that others wouldn’t accept you, fear that others wouldn’t approve or was it simply fear of the unknown? What is it that immobilizes you in a certain area of your life? What’s keeping you from facing your fears or what's causing you to avoid them by making excuses? No matter what the fear is we must face it with truth if we want to be free. Regardless of your answer you must decide whether you're going to keep living in fear or face it. Truth is we will never live life without moments of fear, but we don’t have to live in fear. I've had several moments in my life where I lived in the prison of fear, but the time where I allowed fear to rob me of my first business was when I decided enough was enough. In 2005 I started working as a store manager for Metro PC's, within one year I was promoted to district manager of the first 5 stores that opened in Michigan. I was the top salesperson within our company. After 6 years gaining knowledge of the business and successfully operating and increasing revenue at the stores I excelled beyond the owner’s expectation. I decided to open my own store. I remained a part-time employee as I ran my business full-time, I was confident that I would be as successful with my own company as I was at Metro PC's. (Fear of failure entered). My business was 10 months old and my boss at the time told me I needed to make a choice, Either I come back as a full-time employee or quit. Because I didn’t face my fear in the beginning it was back to haunt me. I want to share with you the 3 things that stopped me from building the business that would have changed my life!
1. I was afraid of failing.
2. I was afraid that I wouldn’t make enough money to survive on and that I would have to close the doors.
3. I was afraid of the unknown and became paralyzed by fear, so I shut the business down and went back to work full time.
One year later my boss tells me he is selling the company, but not to worry he secured my position with the new owners. What the heck! I was furious, angry, frustrated and disappointed, just to name a few of the emotions I was feeling. I allowed the gripping claws of fear to rob me of an opportunity of doing something I desired. In 2013, I launched my second business “Love Walk Social Café” while working a full-time job and guess what? After so long I was given the same ultimatum “ Quit your business or Quit your job” I remember telling my boss that I needed to think about the choice he gave me and I would get back with him in 3 days. Did fear come knocking at my door again, HECK Yeah, the truth is fear had kicked in the door and I started feeding fear with doubt. I saw myself shrinking behind the bases of fear and suddenly I remembered 2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind. In that moment I decided to face my fears. I wrote down everything that I was afraid of and begin studying about faith and applying the principles that I learned to help me overcome the fear. I meditated on Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. In verse 13 God says "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you" I’m proud to say that I walked away from my job to run my business full-time.
In 2018 we celebrated our 5-year anniversary because I chose to FACE MY FEARS. Have moments of fear come up since then yes over and over again but I refuse to live in fear so I take my self through the same process that always end in my freedom to do what I desire.

If you find yourself in the prison of fear, know that it's okay, you're human, it is what it is, but don’t stay there, you can be free if you choose to be. If you face your fear with faith you will set yourself free to live the life that God has predestined you to live.
Your Breakthrough Coach,
Miracle Nored
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Photo by Melanie Wasser